Top bakery trends for 2022 revealed: part 2

Staying abreast of trends is critical but thankfully British Baker has done the hard work for you. In part two of three, we look at more of the trends likely to take the bakery world by storm in 2022:


high fibre bread with prunes

Source: Getty Images

Fibre a day

Fibre will likely never be a sexy topic, but the intrinsically linked gut health has taken the wellness industry by storm.

While associated with the drive for healthier HFSS-compliant products (fibre is counted favourably in the HFSS calculation), gut health and added fibre products are worthy of their own trend.

“This is good news for the bakery world with all its products that are rich in fibre and/or have gut health benefits,” says Philippa Knight, marketing director at Puratos UK.

In September, the Food and Drink Federation (FDF) launched a new initiative to help consumers boost their fibre intake called Action on Fibre. Its research had shown that only a third of those surveyed were aware of the 30g of fibre a day recommendation, while 70% were unsure as to whether they met it or simply stated that they didn’t. Some of bakery’s biggest names, including Allied Bakeries, McVitie’s owner Pladis, Jacksons of Yorkshire and Warburtons, signed up.

A large opportunity lies in educating consumers about the differences between fibre types

“By 2022 most of Kingsmill’s bread, rolls and savoury morning goods launches will provide a source of fibre,” according to Allied Bakeries joint managing director Chris Craig. “New launches that are higher in fibre will be bolstered with shopper marketing and social media, as well as continued support of the Kingsmill 50/50 ranges with above the line campaigns.”

For bakery manufacturer Bridor, this culminated in the launch of multi-fibre loaf L’Ambiote which it says has three times the fibre content of a classic baguette thanks to the use of seven vegetal fibres; wheat dextrin, oat flakes, inulin, locust bean gum, pectin, oat bran and micronised wheat bran.

“Nowadays, consumers are well aware of the key role fibres play in gut health, leading them to opt for products made with whole grain flours and containing whole grains.

A large opportunity for the baking industry lies in educating consumers about the differences between fibre types,” Knight adds.

Fortifying cakes by increasing the fibre content is on the agenda for cake manufacturer BBF as well, as CEO Jonathan Lill says “sweet treats that also have health benefits will be essential” in the future.


Orange slices dipped in chocolate

Source: Getty Images

Thinking backwards

When it comes to flavours, bakery can’t shake the classics.

“Nostalgic flavours are reigning supreme amongst the supermarket Christmas collections and these will set the tone for 2022,” says Kirsty Matthews, insights & marketing manager for Macphie. Dessert and bakery aisles are awash with lemon meringue, sticky toffee and chocolate orange, she says, predicting that iconic products will also play a big role in the future as consumers want to go back to simpler times. “Think ‘things your granny used to make’ but with a modern twist.”

This has been building over the past few years with sweetshop, ice cream and boozy flavours coming to the fore as consumers seek comfort in the familiar, and chocolate orange taking the bakery world by storm of late. For 2022 though, many experts predict it will be Black Forest experiencing a renaissance.


Greggs drive thru

Source: Greggs

Location, location, location

Like Kirsty and Phil, bakery businesses know it’s all about location, location, location. But, due to Covid, the ideal place to open a site has changed.

“Post Covid-19, changes to people’s working patterns and the impact on city centre retailers/foodservice/office canteens will change the way in which bakery products are sold,” says Helen Sinclair, UK marketing manager at Baker & Baker. “There will be more of a renaissance in the suburbs/market towns, presenting opportunities for growth in smaller, local stores. These big shifts around the way we consume food and where we purchase it from, particularly lunch, will remain.”

High streets remain a tricky proposition but out-of-town locations, particularly those accessible by car, are proving popular. Greggs CEO Roger Whiteside said earlier this year that drive-thrus have “cemented their position as the most attractive format type” and that it, like others, will be pursuing opportunities in this area.

Post Covid-19, changes to people’s working patterns will change the way in which bakery products are sold

Cooplands, like Greggs, has set its sights on ambitious growth over the next few years – a goal fuelled by its recent acquisition by forecourt operator EG Group which will see the brand venture into forecourt and convenience channels. It has also sought growth with its Eats & Seats format described as “combination of a Cooplands shop, a Pret and a Costa but with our good honest value”, as well as concessions in Tesco stores.

Supermarkets are clealy desirable locations as Pret has also piloted concessions with Tesco, while Italian chain Carluccio’s opened the first of 500 Caffè Carluccio’s sites planned in the next five years in a Sainsbury’s.


Brownie with cream, chocolate sauce and a cherry on top

Source: Getty Images

Indulge a little

Britain’s bakery lovers fall into two distinct camps – health-conscious consumers and those who actively seek out indulgent sweet treats. The latter group is growing apace, according to Aidan Monks, head baker and owner at Kendal-based craft bakery Lovingly Artisan. What’s more, “the age range varies massively – it’s not just about teenagers any more,” he adds. “Theirs is essentially an audience actively seeking out forms of food entertainment – a little cake and cookie pizazz. For them it’s all about the visual experience – the more sprinkles, the merrier.”

Recipes include revamped traditional bakes, to treats dressed in chocolate, covered in biscuits, and created using a hefty slice of imagination, he adds.

This is clearly at odds with the health drive being seen across the food and drink industry as the government gears up for the introduction of HFSS regulations.

“Some more indulgent brands may continue as normal, and in fact double down on their indulgent credentials,” believes Robert Lambert, head of marketing and communications at Ulrick & Short.
