Co-op Continues To Grow University Presence

The co-op has signed its next university franchise store, with a shop set to open at Keele University in September.

Managed and run by Keele University Students’ Union, the outlet will stock a range of Co-op own-brand products as well as Fairtrade, free-from and vegan options.

Keele will be the seventh university franchise store for the Co-op following openings at Leeds, Kent, Newcastle, Oxford Brookes and Stirling.

Martin Rogers, head of new channels at Co-op, said: “Our university franchise stores are a great opportunity for us to grow our brand, share our values, and get our products into the hands of the next generation of customers and members and as the exclusive retail grocery store franchise partner for The National Union of Students and we’re already serving c.150k students up and down the country.”

NAM Implications:
  • This has to be a pointer for others…
  • …and time for suppliers to propose more branded options?
