Pandemic Reinforced Importance Of Forecourt Convenience

Less than one-in-ten forecourt shoppers cite fuel as the main reason for their visit. This is according to research for the new Lumina Intelligence Forecourt Market Report 2021, which highlights how the pandemic and travel restrictions has reinforced the importance of the convenience store offering within petrol stations.

The report found that the key missions that drove shoppers to forecourts last year were: planned top-up (26%), food-to-go (16%), newsagent (11%), distress top-up (9%).

With over a quarter of forecourt shoppers on a planned top-up mission, the report identifies the most popular categories purchased on this visit as bakery (45%), chilled foods – excl. milk (44%), fresh fruit and veg (35%), and tinned or packaged grocery (32%).

The study also found that that, versus the total convenience average, on average forecourt shoppers visit 3 times per week (+0.6), purchase 3.7 items per visit (+0.2) and spend £15.18 (+£3.77).

Meanwhile, forecourt shoppers are 51% more likely to distinguish between stores through an in-store bakery offer and 44% more likely through the choice of food-to-go, compared to the convenience average.

Alice Dolling, Insight Lead at Lumina Intelligence, commented: “Strict restrictions on movement and travel over the last year have severely impacted the forecourt sector and forced operators and retailers to adapt in order to generate sales and footfall. With fuel sales down, a forecourt’s convenience store offering has never been more important.

“Ranging should be targeting top up missions through the expansion of ambient food ranges, whilst chilled ready meals are key to serving meal occasion missions as forecourt shoppers are more likely to be looking for quick and easy solutions.

“For suppliers, forecourt shoppers are more likely to purchase PMPs, buy on impulse and promotion, making forecourts ideal test beds for supplier led marketing activations.”
